Manually Adding Tags
Available+ trailer tag is intended be an extra layer of confidence and represents two primary scenarios:
1) We have eyes on this trailer, and it is confirmed good to go. It is a reliably empty trailer option for a driver in need of one.
2) We need to get this trailer moved as soon as possible.
Please Note: This option currently is only available for Knight trailers and will be available for Swift trailers in the coming weeks.
Users from most departments can add the Available+ tag to a trailer by going to any available trailer in the map, clicking the grey circle with the plus sign, clicking the Available+ option, and clicking done in the prompt.
Users can also remove the Available+ tag by hovering over the tag on the card, clicking the red X, and clicking done in the prompt.
Tag Criteria:
Users will only be able to add the Available+ tag to trailers meeting the following criteria:
Cargo sensor showing empty
In a customer geofence
Not moving
In Available Status
If the trailer does not meet this criteria, the Available+ option will be greyed out when attempting to add the tag.